Neurodivergence and your Workforce

Neurodivergence and your Workforce

Around 15% of people in the workforce are neurodivergent which means that they will experience some difficulties with executive function, and or processing, dependent on condition, and level of severity.  The most common conditions are Autism and ADHD.

There are a lot of anecdotes of what Autism and ADHD look like in the classroom but in the workplace, symptoms can be misinterpreted.   Helping employers and work colleagues understand the challenges can be the difference between labelling somebody as disorganised and lazy to understanding that they may need some support in organising workload or better communication when it comes to allocating tasks.

Along with these conditions which are stressful in themselves comes a higher chance of Anxiety, Stress, and Depression.  As mental health conditions rise, and employers become more aware of how to spot them and support employees with them, there comes a greater understanding around support and management of individuals.  The key word here is individuals because a one size approach to support in the workplace does not fit, and never will fit, everybody.  We need to think outside the box, raise awareness and have the important conversations that benefit everybody.

Neurodivergence can be a double-edged sword; the qualities that can be our superpower can also be, our Kryptonite.  Better understanding means that simple accommodations and adjustments will have a dynamic effect on productivity and performance.

The saying “You don’t know what you don’t know” will be addressed in this workshop.  After this session you will know exactly what you need to do to get the best out of your workforce.

What my clients say..

““Carol has created and delivered a suite of wellbeing workshops and resources to our employees over the last three years. Feedback from employees has been excellent, with a 21% reduction in mental health related absence since the program was launched.” - Vicky Dunbar - Director of Human Resources Husco Engineering
“We wholeheartedly endorse Carol's expertise and commend the impactful work she does in promoting mental well-being within our company. Her approach is exceptionally unique and personalized, garnering phenomenal feedback from our team. We are proud to continue working with Carol as her contributions have undoubtedly enhanced our team's resilience and overall mental health" - Jess Hodgkinson - Managing Partner, Open Partners
Read full testimonial
"Carol came to our office to provide a taster session for the techniques that can be used for people who experience stress and anxiety which in our workplace is a common theme and quite a lot of us including myself experience some level of stress during their career. Carol had provided a very powerful insight into this problem and demonstrated number of techniques to relieve stress and re-focus our minds. I to this day still practice one of my favourite exercises that Carol showed us. Thank you, Carol, you showed us many useful techniques and you taught us lots of valuable exercises" - K K Barclays Bank
“Thanks so much for an extremely interesting and informative course. It is hard to use the phrase 'I enjoyed it' as that seems a strange thing to say about what can be such difficult topics! However, I really did enjoy the experience of learning from you, and I am truly grateful for you sharing your experiences and insight in a way that I feel was above and beyond what the course requirement would have been. Hopefully now I have gained a skill set that will allow me to help others in the future.” - Anon - Phase 3 Electrical Ltd.
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