Training to support the emotional, mental and physical health of employees
Employees are the lifeblood of business and keeping individuals healthy at work is fundamental to good working practice. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people in the workplace are experiencing stress and anxiety.
Figures released for 2019/20, from the UK Health and Safety Executive indicate that 55% of workforce absenteeism is stress related.
I am Carol Hickson, an experienced therapist, life coach and trainer. I have developed The Resilience Template Workplace Training to support the emotional, mental, and physical health of employees. This training offers a comprehensive, structured approach to understanding and managing stress symptoms and includes a workbook and audio recordings.

What might stress and anxiety in the workplace look like?
Frequent Staff Absence
Changes in appearance and temperament.
Reduction in output
Simple mistakes and errors occurring
Low motivation and morale.
No diagnosed medical condition, but symptoms like headaches, back pain, and heart palpitations reported.
Reduction in focus and concentration.
Full personal breakdown.