Mental Health Training for Managers
“Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything—for better or for worse.”
Simon Sinek

We generally promote people to manager level, and above, because they have shown themselves outstanding at a particular skill. Time and time again I work with companies who have great people in great roles but there’s something missing and it’s the lack of formal manager training. Whilst, they undoubtedly have great skill sets there is an often an understanding that they will seamlessly transition into the role of managing people.
With 1 in 4 people affected by a mental disorder at some stage in their life there has never been a more important time to give our managers and leaders some extra resources. The Mental Health Training for Managers Workshop does exactly that. The aim? To provide better initial support to all staff leading to higher and often faster recovery rates. To prevent burnout at all levels of the company including the higher tiers of management.
It provides direction in their role when managing employees with mental health challenges and provides practical next steps to give appropriate support.

Using The Energy Quadrant, it recognises that those in senior roles are themselves often under extreme pressure and provides clear guidance on recognising the signs that they may be compromising their own mental health.
We consider the link between pressure and performance and make the case for early intervention.
Finally, managers and leaders have an opportunity to understand and practise having real conversations with real people so that they need never again feel unprepared when a colleague, who is themselves struggling, approaches them.
Supporting our managers, and ultimately, their teams has never made more sense.