About me

Hello, I am Carol Hickson multi-disciplined therapist, life coach, author of “The Resilience Template”, and workforce mental health and resilience trainer.
After several years in private practice providing therapy and coaching sessions, one to one, I have created The Resilience Template Workforce Training. My aim is to share both the science behind mental health, and my mass of knowledge gained in private practice to develop a strategy for supporting the modern workforce.
The Resilience Template Workforce Training is designed to support the emotional, mental, and physical health of employees. This training offers a comprehensive, structured approach to understanding and managing stress symptoms.
Employees are the lifeblood of business and keeping individuals healthy at work is fundamental to good working practice. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people in the workplace are experiencing stress and anxiety. Figures released for 2019/20, from the UK Health and Safety Executive indicate that 55% of workforce absenteeism is stress related.

No matter the objectives, whether it is to reduce workforce mental health absence, improve company wellbeing, avoid staff retention problems, or following a suicide cluster we can build a bespoke strategy for your company.
The mental health and resilience training stands alone and will equip your team with stress management techniques and a comprehensive tool kit to cope with the effects of stress and poor mental health.
However, for those companies who opt for the full package we can build an overview of staff stress levels through individual M.O.T. sessions. This means that instead of funding and providing arbitrary mental health initiatives we create from the outset a strategy that works positively both for employee and employer.
Moving forward the responsibility to keep people in work following a mental health diagnosis, and to absorb the impact of long stress related absences, is likely to fall more and more to the employer. What do you do when a member of staff calls in sick with a mental health issue? How long does the return to work take? Is it dependent on NHS waiting lists? How much stress impacts colleagues when an employee is absent, and their workload is stretched across the remaining team? Following a long-term absence do some individuals even return to work?

When companies prepare and have a strategy in place for mental health absence there is no need for reactivity and no chance to give the wrong response. Keeping people in work is by far the best approach but how do you know when it’s right for both the company and the individual concerned?
Mental Health issues in the workforce are becoming the challenge of our times. We must get this right for all concerned. At The Resilience Template Workforce Training we understand mental health, and we understand the limitations that it often places on businesses.
Working together we can build a mental health policy that is fit for our times, provide staff training and M.O.T. evaluations so that there is no more working in the dark. If a staff member needs psychological support we can step in within hours of request, supporting the individual, supporting the rest of the team, and supporting the company.
– The Resilience Template Workforce Training:
– Build a focused strategy underpinned by staff M.O.T. evaluations.
– Provide group training sessions on a variety of issues including mental health and resilience.
– Give psychological support within hours of a request.
– Work with your team to build good health, and resilience through group sessions, one to one therapy sessions, and coaching opportunities.
– Keeping your staff engaged, more productive and well at work.